Hp Uft Tutorial Pdf

HP recently launched the new version 11.5 of QuickTest Professional (QTP). In this new version, traditional QTP has been combined with HP Service Test (which was a separate tool to test web services and API). Hence, this new version is called HP UFT (Unified Functional Testing). UFT has all the same features, which QTP 11.0 had and more. The HP Unified Functional Testing Tutorial for GUI Testing is a self-paced guide that teaches you the basics of testing your GUI application with Unified Functional Testing (UFT). It will familiarize you with the process of creating and running automated GUI tests and analyzing the run results. Previously known as HP QTP i.e Quick Test Professional. This course is designed specially for first time users and beginners. It does not consist of any advanced topics. I want people to understand the basic concepts with the help of this tutorial. HP UFT/QTP tool is primarily for software testers having basic knowledge of Manual testing. QTP/UFT(HP Unified Functional Testing) Training Tutorial. The UFT - Medium Mass Boiler The UFT Boiler is a medium mass high efficiency boiler. This advanced modulating gas condensing boiler has a 316L stainless steel fire tube heat exchanger with a 96% AFUE rating. It also has Page 12/19. HP UFT ( Unified functional testing ) formerly known as HP QTP course covers foundation of why automation, how to automate and many other topics. This course will help the student to jump start their career in automation testing world. Quiz at the end of the video and interview questions are covered. Following topics are covered in this course.

Our founder, Ankur Jain, started this website around 14 years ago in 2006. Owing to his extensive experience with the QTP tool (QTP was originally an automated software testing tool by Mercury. QTP is now known as UFT One), he wanted this website to become a one-stop-shop for QTP learners. It is with your love and motivation, the site is still going strong and visited by several thousands UFT beginners to UFT advanced users every day.

Since the time of launch of this site, several things have changed in the QTP world. HP acquired Mercury – the original company which developed QTP. QTP became UFT when HP decided to merge GUI and API testing in a single tool. Read the complete history of QTP and UFT. HP got divided into two companies HP Inc and HPE. In the mean time, during all these years, HPE introduced several new innovations in the UFT software. In Sep 2017, HPE spin merged into Micro Focus.

The team at LearnQTP realized that – while our older articles were still relevant – there is a need for new set of UFT tutorials for the latest versions of UFT. Thus we launched the new set of UFT tutorials for beginners to advanced users of UFT. We will start from scratch and slowly build towards advanced topics.

These UFT tutorials will be structured in such a manner that even an absolute beginner to automated software testing would be able to follow them. The tutorials will be at your own pace, there would be no pressure. You can book mark the link and come back to them whenever you feel like learning. You can even download the free UFT tutorials PDF that will be available at the bottom of each article, so that you can learn even when you are traveling or don’t have a working internet connection.

Hp Uft Tutorials

Before we dive into UFT, let us get go through a primer on software testing and how and when we automate software testing.

What is Software Testing?

A renowned software testing expert Dr Cem Kaner defines software testing as –

A technical investigation of the product under test conducted to provide stakeholders with quality related information

To explain it further, Software testing is a process where a software tester/team runs a program or a system to find bugs or defects, to maintain the correctness and reliability of a program.

Software testing also validates and verifies the program to check if the business and technical requirements are met, and is working as expected.

In verification, testers ensure that the system met the organization’s standards and processes, and answers the question “Did we build the right system?” System means one or more software applications that support a business function. Testers ensure that software, hardware, documentation, and personnel comply together through relying on review or non-executable methods.

Hp uft training

In validation, testers physically ensure that the system has met all business and user requirements, and that the features and functionalities are working as designed. Validation is done by executing system functions through a series of tests which can be observed and evaluated by testers. Also, validation concentrates on the question “Did we build the system right?”

Why Should We Perform Software Testing?

In software testing, the primary purpose is to find defects. We can consider a certain state is a defect if it doesn’t meet what it is expected to do. Finding defects in testing early in Software Development will reduce or avoid the risk of failure, maintenance cost, the cost of defect fixing, and delivering better program for the user.

Example: Docket Number should accept 12 numeric characters. If characters inputted are less than or more than the required characters, prompt “Invalid Entry. Please re-enter the Docket Number”, but the user entered 10 characters for the docket number and the program returned an exception error instead of a prompt to notify the user about the minimum characters required.

Another reason is to produce Quality program. In Software testing, the software tester/team cannot improve quality, they can only measure it. From IT’s view, Quality means the conformance and features of a program’s requirement based on business and technical requirements are met. For User’s view, Quality means software is fit for use. Software quality varies from program to program as they have their own functionality and usability. A software tester needs to ensure that IT’s and User’s views for quality are met.

What is Automated Software Testing?

Automated software testing involves automating manual process through writing test scripts that would do the testing and can be run repeatedly.

Test automation is used to control the execution of tests, compare the actual and expected results, the setting up of preconditions, and other test control and test reporting functions through the use of software.

When to Automate Software Testing?

A common belief we see among testing professionals is that automation, by some magic, will increase the quality of testing.

There is a time and place for everything. If a test CAN be automated it does not mean it SHOULD be automated. Although, this is an automated testing website, one would think we would denounce manual testing. It is not the case, however.

Manual and automated testing go hand-in-hand and should be complimenting each other. We ask our trainees and readers to make sure to automate a test only when it is really needed.

Here are some scenarios where automation is considered a great option:

  • Regression testing/Repetitive tests: A rule-of-thumb for manual to automated test is that, if your tests need to be run periodically, they are a good candidate for automation. However it comes with few caveats. You need to weigh the costs of setting up automated tests vis-a-vis manual testing efforts. Here costs include the complexity of automation, time required to build and maintain automation scripts and of course time and money required to train testers on a given tool.
  • Multiple Data Vales: You need to run same set of actions for several data values.
  • Manually infeasible tests: Your application is needed to be stress tested for a million hits in a matter of few hours. It can’t be done manually, you would need a load testing tool.
  • Same tests different browsers or OS: You would want your web application to look good on all commonly used browsers and operating systems. If you have a test suite containing 50 test cases which need to be tested with 20 different sets of values on 3 different sets of browsers and 2 Operating systems. This brings the total test executions to 50*20*3*2= 6000. It makes sense to automate such test cases.
  • Mobile testing: With tons of mobile handsets available in the market, it would be next to impossible to perform manual testing on all devices. Companies like Amazon have come up with innovative approaches to this issue, whereby they put actual devices in the cloud and you can test your application on devices with automated scripts. Again, an ideal candidate for test automation.

We trust you like this primer on software testing and understood how we decide to automated software testing for a given scenario. In the next tutorial we will begin with installing UFT and discussing basics of the tool – Tutorial 2: Introduction to UFT.

You can refer the complete set of UFT tutorials covered till now using the links below:

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Over to you. How do you decide whether to go for automated testing?

If you want to keep track of further articles on UFT (QTP). I recommend you to subscribe by Email and have new UFT articles sent directly to your inbox.

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Welcome to Tutorial 2 in the series of UFT tutorials. In Tutorial 1: Getting Ready To Learn UFT, we started with the introduction to software testing and the need for software testing. We discussed automated software testing and when should we automate software testing. In this tutorial, we will start with detailed introduction to UFT.

After downloading and installing UFT, we will discuss in detail about various windows shortcuts and start-menu options that are available in UFT.

This series of UFT tutorials is created for the latest version of UFT which as of December 2020 is 15.0.2. The tutorial will be demonstrated on the latest version of Windows which as of December 2020 is Windows 10. UFT 15.0.2 works fine on earlier versions of Windows OS like Windows 8.1/8/7 as well. UFT 15.0.2 is, however, not compatible with Windows XP.

Introduction to UFT

Unified Functional Testing commonly known as UFT is a functional testing tool by Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE). UFT can be used to test GUI as well as API part of your application. The latest version of UFT is 15.0.2. Before UFT 11.50, there were two separate tools HP QuickTest Professional (QTP) for GUI functional testing and HP Service Test for API functional testing. With the launch of UFT 11.50, HP combined both tools together and named the combo Unified Functional Testing.

Hp Uft Tutorial Pdf Tutorial

The first series of these tutorials will deal with the GUI testing part of UFT tool. In the second series we will learn about API testing.

Let us start by installing the UFT tool on your system. According to HPE, these are the minimum system requirements for UFT you need to have on your machine to install UFT. We would recommend to always have a better than required minimum configuration.

  • Computer/Processor: Dual Core CPUs or better
  • Operating System: Windows 7 SP1 (32 bit or 64 bit)
  • Memory: Minimum of 2 GB when no more than three add-ins are loaded simultaneously. [Additional memory is required when loading more add-ins and when using the Save movie to results option to capture movies during run sessions.]
  • Color Settings: High Color (16 bit)
  • Graphics Card: Graphics card with 64 MB video memory
  • Free Hard Disk Space: 1 GB of free disk space for application files and folders. [You must also have an additional 120 MB of free disk space on the system disk (the disk on which the operating system is installed).]

If you already have the minimum requirements fulfilled, take help of this article to download and install UFT. Make sure you follow all the steps mentioned diligently. Once UFT is installed, come back to follow rest of the tutorial.

UFT Desktop Shortcuts

Once UFT is installed, you will find these three shortcut icons on your desktop.

First shortcut – HP Unified Functional Testing – will launch the UFT tool on your system.

Second shortcut – Run Results Viewer – will launch the run results viewer on your system. While run results can be automatically set to open once a test is finished, you can also open run results individually using this shortcut.

Third shortcut – Edge Agent for Functional Testing – would only be installed on Windows 10 machines. It won’t get installed on Windows OS 8.1/8/7. If you want to test your applications on Microsoft Edge browser, you should use this icon and not the default Edge browser icon on your Windows machine. Having said that, as of September 2016, UFT is not completely compatible with Edge, we would strongly recommend you to use IE 11 for recording and running your UFT tests. IE 11 is present but hidden on all Windows 10 machine, use these instructions to make IE 11 a desktop shortcut on Windows 10.

UFT Windows Start Menu Options

Let us learn more about the menu options available under Windows Start menu.

Once you click the Windows start logo and scroll up the Windows 10 start menu, you will find a folder named HP Software.Click on this folder and you will find several new menu items inside it as shown above. Let us go through each of these items one-by-one.

Additional Installation Requirements:

Additional Installation Requirements screen pops-up during UFT installation time too. The first two settings are checked (and installed) by default unless you manually choose to uncheck them.

  • Configure Internet Explorer Settings: Enables use of UFT’s third party browser extension in Internet Explorer. This is a must if you want to test your web applications on IE.
  • Configure DCOM Settings for ALM integration: If you need to run your scripts from HPE ALM tool, you need to check this option. This option changes DCOM permissions and opens a firewall port on your machine.
  • Configure DCOM Settings for Automation Scripts: If you need to control and run UFT installed on your machine from other machines, you need to check this option. This is done using Automation Object Model. This is a advanced topic which we will learn in detail in the later tutorials.
  • Download and Install Microsoft Script Debugger: This used to be a setting in earlier versions of UFT. Since Microsoft has removed Microsoft Script Debugger utility from its site, HP has removed the option from this screen. Till the time Microsoft fix this issue, you need to rely on other means to install this utility. Check this article on how and where to download MS script debugger.

API Test Generator Wizard: This is a wizard which helps you generate API tests from your services.

Edge Agent for Functional Testing: This is required if you want to test your web applications on Microsoft Edge browser. As mentioned above, Windows 10 is the only OS where Edge Agent is installed automatically. Additional Reading: All About Edge Support with Windows 10

Flight API: This is a sample application provided by HPE for API testing.

Flight GUI: This is a sample application provided by HPE for GUI testing. Credentials to login to this app are: username:john & password:HP

Functional Testing License Wizard: Use this wizard to install and manage seat license or concurrent license on your machine. Here is an in-depth guide on licenses in UFT.

HP Micro Player: UFT enables you to record, run sessions as video clips. These clips are stored as .fbr files. HP Micro Player is a standalone micro player which enables you to watch these movies.

HP UFT Installation Validation Tool: Run this utility and hit ‘Analyze’ button to get a complete inventory of your system settings which are required for UFT.

Mercury Tours Website: This is a link to web based demo application provided by HPE. http://newtours.demoaut.com/

Runtime Engine Settings: The UFT Runtime Engine enables you to run UFT GUI tests, API tests and Business Process Tests on your computer without installing the entire UFT IDE. With Runtime Engine Settings dialog box, you can import, export settings from/to a vbs file, reset to a factory default state or change the settings individually. This engine does not require a separate license and it is ideal for non-technical users of the product who just want to run previously developed UFT scripts.

Test Batch Runner: This allows you to run multiple UFT tests in a single session. Using Add Tests from folder menu, you add the tests and create a batch file. The batch files created in UFT are created with an extension .mtb

With this we come to an end of UFT Tutorial Part 2. In this tutorial we started with an introduction to UFT, covered various shortcuts on the desktop and discussed various UFT options present in Windows start-up menu.

In the next tutorial we will launch UFT tool for the first time and discuss in detail about UFT Add-ins and Add-in manager. In case you have any questions on what we have covered above, please let us know through comments section below.

You can refer the complete set of UFT tutorials covered till now using the links below:

We suggest you to enter your name and email address below and we will make sure to email you as soon as the next tutorials are up and ready.

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